1. At the time of independence India was a
loose association of states including those ruled by monarchs like Maharaja
Hari Singh in Kashmir. Like other princely states e.g. Hyderabad and Junagarh,
Kashmir was included into the union of India through an instrument of
accession. The reasons and backgrounds for various monarchs opting to join
India as a nation were varied including the one of military threat by Tribals
backed by Pakistan Army in 1947 in Kashmir. As per constitution of India all
states are integral part of the nation and therefore must follow the
constitution in letter and spirit. Some concessions were granted through
Article 370 to Jammu and Kashmir which do not dilute the fact that Kashmir is
an integral part of India as a nation.
2. Pakistan however has continued to
forment trouble in Kashmir through direct and indirect actions. Part of its
actions emerge from its own insecurities and part from urge to avenge
humiliating defeats in 1947, 1965, 1971 and 1999. The main tool opted by
Pakistan to counter India’s military and economic superiority is by waging a
proxy war using terrorists. These trained and supported terrorists carry out
acts of terror in hinterland while Pakistan army engages India army on Line of
Control (LOC). The intent of Pakistani establishments is to continuously drain
Indian resources and create a situation where it is able to usurp complete
Kashmir to add to the area it is illegally occupying or has ceded to China. It
is most unfortunate that the evil designs of Pakistan in Kashmir have been
aided and abetted by Indian citizens, political parties and independent
organisations for their vested interests.
3. The situation in Kashmir worsened over
a period of time to a level where Indian Govt had to invoke Armed Forces
Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and call Indian Army to restore normalcy in the
state. In any area where AFSPA is invoked typically undergoes following cycle:-
/ Poor Governance -> Unrest in Civil Society -> Insurgency (involves
police actions to tackle) -> Militancy (involves para military forces
action) -> Terrorism (Armed Forces are called)
4. It follows logically therefore that
once the situation goes out of control of elected Govt, civil administration,
police and para military forces, then only army is requisitioned to carry out
operations in aid to civil authorities. The mandate is to bring down the
escalated level of unrest and armed struggle to a level where elected Govt /
Civil Administration is able to regain control and resolve the fundamental
issues of governance through redressal of genuine grievances of local
5. On part of Army it is a tricky
operation where they have to carry out violent actions in asymmetric civil
areas unlike clear cut border / LOC in a conventional war with the danger of
innocents getting hurt due to guerrilla tactics adopted by terrorists. While
Army has to operate as per the rules of engagement terrorists do not have any
such restriction and they often take advantage of this mismatch taking cowardly
covering action behind the shield of innocent civilians. Army has to operate in
areas inhabited by civilians some of whom may be compassionate to the cause of
unrest and thus overtly or covertly support the militants/ terrorists. It is
obvious that there would be some collateral damage in the army operations in
such conditions. Some so called “excesses” and “human rights violations” may
also occur in such operations characterized by fluid, unclear, speedy and
violent actions.
6. Apropos any one criticising Indian Army
in Kashmir is indirectly supporting anti national and pro Pakistan elements
because any true Indian national would understand that Army is there doing its
job only because others failed to do theirs. If the situation is to be resolved
through talks or welfare measures then the armed struggle has to end for which
army actions are inescapable. Pseudo intellectuals, anti- national elements,
Pro-Pakistan lobby and unscrupulous politicians with hidden agenda will always
obviously criticize army in Kashmir because it suits them to keep the issue
alive. By criticizing army and its actions they are able to create a negative
image domestically and internationally of Indian Nation which further alienates
the civil population. So, the situation rather than getting resolved gets
further complicated. Horrendous actions like rapes, mass murders and burning of
institutions by terrorists wearing army uniforms is a common methodology to
malign army and create adverse situation.
7. Nationalism and patriotism are two
different things but mostly misunderstood or confused with each other.
Definition of a nation is as given in the constitution of the nation and is
rigid, well defined and non-negotiable thus making nationalism an uncompromising
duty towards the nation. Patriotism however is a feeling and a sense of
belonging to the nation as an idea which is not only felt but is
demonstrated through various actions. If people could differentiate between the
two and show their patriotism by supporting the actions by Indian Army as their
bonafied duty as Nationalists the situation in Kashmir can be brought down by
Army to a level where genuine issues of common man can be addressed by Civil Agencies.
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