
Showing posts from August, 2013

Her Body and My Soul have been Raped

My thoughts on recent spurt in reported rape cases:- (A) Rape is one of the most loathful crime much more than murder. It has been happening all through history though there is a definite increase in number of cases and brutality of act even after discounting hype created by constant media coverage and increased reporting by victims which wasn't the case earlier. (B) Why does rape take place? - I s it because perperator of the crime is devoid of sex - not correct as married / well to do persons who have access to normal / paid sex are also involved. - Is it because the victim is seductively dressed - not correct as girls in "decent clothes" have also been victims (dress has nothing to do with it anyway). - Is it because of frustration in the mind of perperator of crime - possibly due to cultural, financial or educational shortcomings due to imbalance in the society. - Is it because he is mentally sick - not necessary though some of them are actually m...

Civil Disobidience of 21st Century

It was 1930 if I am not mistaken when civil disobidience movement was started by Gandhiji. I think some one forgot to tell our people that after we had gained independence that we need not continue to follow the movement. why else would I see:- 1)  People jumping red lights / stopping in the middle of crossings way ahead of Stop Line, take the wrong side of the two way road, park at corners or no parking area or blow horns near hospitals / schools when these acts are punishable offences. 2)  Inside Delhi Metro people sitting on the floor of coach, playing loud music, leaning against the doors, clicking pics / making videos, sitting on seats reserved for ladies / elders when poor announcers keep telling Not to do so throughout the journey. 3)  People smoking or talking on mobiles in areas where it is banned and announced / displayed clearly. 4)  People spitting, urinating, defeacating and throwing garbage every where including from running cars when it is leg...