OROP: A DROP IN THE OCEAN 1. Last few days have seen some unprecedented actions, reactions and lack of action regarding "demand" of OROP by veterans of Indian Armed Forces. Debates on audio and visual media, messages on social media and heated arguments over a glass of beer in messes / clubs have focused on how successive Govts have failed to fulfill long standing demand of OROP, how the wily bureaucrats are putting spokes in its implementation, the base year for calculations and the estimates of budgetary allocations and cash outgo for the treasury. Few enterprising guys have even put up calculated revised pensions for various ranks. People in armed forces - both serving and veterans are agitated that their 'dues' are not being given and that while others like MTNL/BSNL losses of 10000 Cr are being written off, $ 10 Billion aid is being given to Nepal and 6000 Cr worth loans have been waived off, Govt is nickpicking and calculating how it can save a few / few h...
Showing posts from August, 2015